Vladimir Emmanuilovich Grabar

Grabar’, Vladimir Emmanuilovich


Born Jan. 10 (22). 1865, in Vienna; died Nov. 26, 1956, in Moscow. Soviet scholar of the theory and history of international law, doctor of juridical sciences (1918). professor.

Grabar’ graduated from the department of law at Moscow University in 1888. He was docent and then professor of international law at the University of Iur’ev (now Tartu) from 1893 to 1918. In 1918 he became a professor at the University of Voronezh and then at Moscow State University and a scientific worker of the Institute of Law of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the All-Union Institute of Juridical Sciences. His main works, written in Russian and other languages, deal with problems in the theory and particularly with the history of international law.


Durdenevskii V. “Vladimir Grabar.” In V. E. Grabar’. Materialy k istorii literatury mezhdunarodnogo prava v Rossii (1647–1917). Moscow, 1958.
Ladyzhenskii, A. M. “Pamiati V. E. Grabaria (k stoletiiu so dnia rozhdeniia).” Izvestiia vysshikh zavedenii: Pravove-denie, 1965. no. 3. pp. 177–79.