Union of Patriots

Union of Patriots


(Uniunea Patriotilor), a democratic organization of the intelligentsia and urban petite bourgeoisie in Rumania from 1942 to 1946. The union, which was headed by G. Vlädescu-Racoasa, a professor at the University of Bucharest, cooperated with the Communist Party of Rumania in opposing the fascist military dictatorship of I. Antonescu. In June 1943 the union joined the Patriotic Anti-Hitlerite Front and in October 1944 the National Democratic Front, which were founded by the Communist Party. On Mar. 6, 1945, members of the union helped establish Rumania’s first democratic government. In 1945 the union had approximately 100,000 members.

In January 1946 the Union of Patriots was reorganized as the National People’s Party, which existed until February 1949. It became part of the National Democratic Front in 1948.


Rumyniia v gody narodno-demokraticheskoi revoliutsii, 1944–1947. Moscow, 1974. (Translated from Rumanian.)