释义 |
spear tackling A tackle in football in which a player’s entire body is launched, spear-like against an opponent, resulting in significant axial loading on the cervical spine, as the head is the ‘spear point’ of contact Adverse effects Transient neurologic episodes, slight torticollis, decreased cervical ROM; if condition is chronic, atrophy or decreased cervical paravertebral muscle bulk; permanent paralysisspear tackling Sports medicine A tackle in football in which a player's entire body is launched, spear-like against an opponent, resulting in significant axial loading on the cervical spine, as the head is the 'spear point' of contact Adverse effects Transient neurologic episodes, slight torticollis, ↓ cervical ROM; if condition is chronic, atrophy or ↓ cervical paravertebral muscle bulk; permanent paralysis. See Spear tackler spine. |