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EncyclopediaSeeuterus bicornisbicornate uterus
bi·cor·nate u·ter·usa uterus that is more or less completely divided into two lateral horns as a result of imperfect union of the paramesonephric ducts; it differs from septate uterus, in which there is no external mark of separation; in bicornate uterus, the cervix may be single (uterus bicornis unicollis) or double (uterus bicornis bicollis). Synonym(s): bifid uterus, uterus bicornis, uterus bifidusbi·cor·nate u·ter·us (bī-kōr'nāt yū'tĕr-ŭs) A uterus that is more or less completely divided into two lateral horns as a result of imperfect fusion of the paramesonephric ducts during embryonic development; it differs from septate uterus, in which there is no external mark of separation; in bicornate uterus (uterus bicornis), the cervix may be single (uterus bicornis unicollis) or double (uterus bicornis bicollis). |