

[′sil·fə‚dē] (invertebrate zoology) The carrion beetles, a family of coleopteran insects in the superfamily Staphylinoidea.



a family of beetles. Body length, 6–40 mm. The flat, motile larvae resemble wood lice. Of the more than 500 species, 80 are encountered in the USSR. The Silphidae are distributed on all continents, principally in countries with temperate climates. Most silphids, including Silpha obscura and the Necrophorus, feed on carrion. A few species are predators, for example, the beneficial beetle Xylodrepa quadripunctata, which preys on caterpillars that damage orchards and forests. There are some herbivorous silphids; the beetle Aclypea opaca damages sugar beets and other vegetables.