Acronym | Definition |
SCL➣Supported Community Living |
SCL➣Seaboard Coast Line |
SCL➣Student Centered Learning (various locations) |
SCL➣Semiconductor Laser |
SCL➣Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth (Leavenworth, KS) |
SCL➣Seattle City Light (WA, USA utility) |
SCL➣Straight Carapace Length (turtles) |
SCL➣Stuff Christians Like (blog) |
SCL➣Source Code Library (computing) |
SCL➣Spam Confidence Level (Microsoft Exchange/Outlook) |
SCL➣System Control Language |
SCL➣Selective Clear |
SCL➣Speech Communication Laboratory |
SCL➣Spam Confidence Level |
SCL➣Sms Compose Language |
SCL➣Spacecraft Command Language |
SCL➣Serial Command Link |
SCL➣Soap Control Language |
SCL➣Screen Control Language |
SCL➣Serial Clock Line |
SCL➣Society of Construction Law |
SCL➣Standard C Library (computing) |
SCL➣Smiles Change Lives (Kansas City, MO) |
SCL➣Shreve, Crump & Low (Boston, MA) |
SCL➣Symptom Check List |
SCL➣Saint Catherine Laboure (various locations) |
SCL➣Student and Campus Life (various schools) |
SCL➣Santiago, Chile - Aeropuerto Comodoro Arturo Merino Benitez (Airport Code) |
SCL➣Structural Composite Lumber |
SCL➣Scientific Computing Laboratory (Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia) |
SCL➣Supply Chain and Logistics Institute (Georgia Institute of Technology) |
SCL➣Supply Chain Leadership |
SCL➣Salivary Cortisol Level |
SCL➣Specified Cantilever Load (suspension insulators) |
SCL➣Soft Contact Lens |
SCL➣Summa Cum Laude |
SCL➣Southern California Library (Los Angeles, CA) |
SCL➣System Control Language (used with VME operating system) |
SCL➣Substation Configuration Language |
SCL➣Source Code Location |
SCL➣Surface Charge Layer |
SCL➣State Chemistry Laboratory (various locations) |
SCL➣Short Circuit Line |
SCL➣SOAP Contract Language (Microsoft) |
SCL➣Scalable Computing Laboratory (US DoE and Ames Laboratory) |
SCL➣Simulation Control Language |
SCL➣Student Computer Lab (various schools) |
SCL➣Spring Creek Lodge (Montana) |
SCL➣Space Charge Limited |
SCL➣Society for Computers & Law (UK) |
SCL➣Smart Card Logon |
SCL➣Special Comprehensive License |
SCL➣Shibuya City Lounge (Tokyo, Japan) |
SCL➣Scanner Control Language |
SCL➣School Community Leadership |
SCL➣Sussex County League (UK) |
SCL➣Single Control Lever |
SCL➣Society for Caribbean Linguistics (Trinidad & Tobago) |
SCL➣Sulfur, Chlorine and Lead (extreme pressure additive) |
SCL➣Scientific Computers Limited |
SCL➣Sprayed Concrete Lining (construction) |
SCL➣Shaped Charge Liner |
SCL➣Stromal Cell Line |
SCL➣Standard Component Library (computing) |
SCL➣Security Characteristic Line |
SCL➣Shoghi Communications Ltd. (defense systems; various locations) |
SCL➣State Chapter Leader (various organizations) |
SCL➣Simple Common Logic (modeling language for ontology development) |
SCL➣Southeastern Composers' League |
SCL➣Security Certification Level |
SCL➣Star Cruises, Ltd. (Hong Kong) |
SCL➣Structured Cooperative Learning (curriculum) |
SCL➣Source Coupled Logic |
SCL➣Structural Constraint Language (computer programming) |
SCL➣Syncrude Canada Limited (Alberta, Canada) |
SCL➣Side Coupled Linac |
SCL➣School Club Link (various locations) |
SCL➣System Clock Line |
SCL➣Standard Conventional Load |
SCL➣Switch Control Logic |
SCL➣Spacecraft Control Language |
SCL➣Soft Competitive Learning (network) |
SCL➣ |
SCL➣Senior Cadet Leader (USAF ROTC) |
SCL➣Stress Checklist |
SCL➣Switch to Computer Link |
SCL➣Software Control Language |
SCL➣Senior Citizens' League |
SCL➣Space Component Lifetime |
SCL➣Selectively Cross Linked |
SCL➣Standard Configuration Load |
SCL➣Secondary Chemistry Lab |
SCL➣System Communications Link (Cisco) |
SCL➣Strain Compensated Layer |
SCL➣Sodium Chemistry Loop |
SCL➣Soil Cleanup Level |
SCL➣Somatic Cell Logarithmic (Transformation) |
SCL➣Save A Cat League |
SCL➣Sponsorship Consulting Limited (UK) |
SCL➣Sprint Conference Line |
SCL➣Student of the Civil Law |
SCL➣Satellite Consulting Ltd (UK) |
SCL➣Signal Corps Laboratory (US Army) |
SCL➣Standard Combat Load |
SCL➣Standard Classification List |
SCL➣Symbolic Correction Loader |
SCL➣Site Concurrence Letter |
SCL➣Segment Communications Ltd. (UK) |
SCL➣Snake Creek Lasers, LLC (Hallstead, PA) |
SCL➣Systems Component List |
SCL➣State Cleanup Level |
SCL➣Strategic Consultants Ltd |