transverse carpal ligament

flex·or ret·i·nac·u·lum of hand

[TA] a strong fibrous band crossing the front of the carpus and binding down the flexor tendons of the digits and the flexor carpi radialis tendon and the median nerve; in so doing it creates the carpal tunnel. Synonym(s): retinaculum musculorum flexorum [TA], deep part of flexor retinaculum, ligamentum carpi transversum, ligamentum carpi volare, transverse carpal ligament, volar carpal ligament

trans·verse car·pal lig·a·ment

(trans-vĕrs' kahr'păl lig'ă-mĕnt) A strong, fibrous band crossing the front of the carpus and binding down the flexor tendons of the digits and the flexor carpi radialis tendon and the median nerve; in so doing, it creates the carpal tunnel.