释义 |
rhombencephalitis rhombencephalitis Brainstem encephalitis Neurology An infection of the brain corresponding to the rhombencephalon Grade I–generalized myoclinic jerks with tremor and/or ataxia Grade II–myoclonus with cranial nerve involvement–eg, ocular disturbance–nystagus, strabismus, or gaze paresis or bulbar palsy Grade III–transient myoclonus followed by rapid onset of respiratory distress, cyanosis, poor peripheral perfusion, shock, coma, loss of doll's eye reflex, and apnearhombencephalitis, rhomboencephalitis (rŏmb′ĕn-sĕf-ă-lī′tĭs) (rŏm′bō-ĕn-sĕf-ă-lī′tĭs) Brainstem infection, a disease that is most often caused by the bacterium Listeria moncytogenes or by West Nile virus, Nipah viruses, or enteroviruses. The infection is often characterized by symptoms such as fever, malaise, headache, nausea, vomiting, altered mental status, ataxia, and strokelike impairment of cranial nerves. |