Trantas dots

Tran·tas dots

pale, grayish red, uneven nodules of gelatinous aspect at the limbal conjunctiva in vernal conjunctivitis.

Tran·tas dots

(trahn'tăs dots) Pale, grayish-red, uneven nodules of gelatinous aspect at the limbal conjunctiva in vernal conjunctivitis.

Trantas dots

(tran′tăs) [Alexios Trantas, Gr. ophthalmologist, 1867–1960] Chalky concretions of the conjunctiva around the limbus. These are associated with vernal conjunctivitis.


Alexios, Greek ophthalmologist, 1867-1960. Horner-Trantas dots - see under Horner, Johann FriedrichTrantas dots - pale, grayish red, uneven nodules of gelatinous aspect at the limbal conjunctiva in vernal conjunctivitis.