

单词 poc



or PoCabbr.1. people of color2. person of color


abbreviation for proof of concept


port of call.


Point of contact



An abbreviation for "person of color" or "people of color," referring to anyone who is not white. The term is used in a neutral or positive way to encompass all nonwhite people. Being a POC often means encountering daily discrimination. Hopefully with the success of some recent films like Black Panther, Hollywood will start casting more POC.



Point Of Contact


(1) (Proof Of Concept) See PoC exploit.

(2) (Power Over Cable) Sending data and power over the same line. See PoE and HDBaseT.

(3) (Power Over Coax) Using coaxial cable to send PoE (Power over Ethernet) signals a distance of a half mile or more. The PoC device converts PoE to a coaxial-compatible signal that is transmitted to the PoC unit at the other end. See PoE.



Abbreviation for:
persistent organohalogen compound
point of care
postoperative care
primary olfactory cortex
products of conception
progestin-only oral contaceptive
proof of concept


1. Products of conception, see there.2. Postoperative care.3. Procarbazine, Oncovin–vincristine, CCNU–lomustine.

progestin-only contraceptive



A nonestrogen-containing medication, such as a "mini-pill, " or an injectable progestogen, used to prevent pregnancy


POCPoint Of Contact
POCParticulate Organic Carbon
POCPiece Of Cake
POCPort Of Call
POCPaid Outside of Closing (real estate)
POCPile Of Crap
POCPoint of Care
POCPoint of Care (healthcare industry)
POCProof Of Concept
POCPoint of Control (finance)
POCPlan of Correction
POCProtect Our Constitution
POCProtection of Civilians
POCPocatello (Amtrak station code; Pocatello, ID)
POCPush to Talk Over Cellular (cellular telephony)
POCPeople of Color
POCProbability of Criticality
POCPsychiatric Outpatient Clinic
POCProgram of Choice (various organizations)
POCPostal Operations Council (Universal Postal Union)
POCPower over Coaxial
POCPirates of the Caribbean (movie)
POCPoint of Correction
POCPlan of Care
POCPartner of Choice
POCPioneer Electronics of Canada
POCProof of Citizenship
POCPerson of Concern (UN)
POCPlayout Center
POCPost Office Code
POCProgram Operator Communication
POCPoint of Control
POCPtt over Cellular
POCPermission of Chairperson
POCPoint of Clarification
POCPerson of Color
POCPotomac Officers Club (Washington, DC)
POCPride of Cleveland
POCProbability of Causation
POCPurchase Order Confirmation
POCProof of Claim (insurance industry)
POCPhilippine Olympic Committee
POCPolicy Oversight Committee
POCPublic Outreach Committee (various organizations)
POCPorts of Call (computer game)
POCPiece of Crap
POCPrisoner of Conscience
POCProfessional Officer Course
POCPhysical Optics Corporation
POCPort O'Connor (Texas)
POCPower Converter
POCProsthetic Orthotic Center (various companies)
POCPrivately Owned Conveyance
POCPlano Oficial de Contabilidade (Portuguese: Accountancy Official Plan)
POCPhysical Organic Chemistry
POCPoint of Compliance
POCPoint of Connection (Irrigation Design, Landscape Architecture, Water Management)
POCPassion of the Christ (movie)
POCProceeds of Crime (Canadian legal term)
POCPolice Operations Center (various locations)
POCPaid on Call (firefighting)
POCPittsburgh Opera Center (Pittsburgh, PA)
POCPurchase Order Change (EDI)
POCPorsche Owners Club
POCPersonnel Operations Center
POCPen of Chaos (French website)
POCPakistan Origin Card
POCProduct of Conception (genetics testing)
POCPayload Operations Center
POCProgram Organizing Committee (various organizations)
POCPastor on Call
POCPoint of Commencement (legal description)
POCPortable Object Compiler
POCPolar Cod (FAO species name code )
POCPoint of Call
POCPower Open Close (heating, ventilation and air conditioning damper)
POCPayload Onboard Computer (space)
POCPump Off Control
POCPsychological Operations Company
POCPentecostals of Cary (Cary, NC)
POCPetty Officer Cadet
POCProduct of Combustion
POCPermanent Orienteering Course
POCParole Outpatient Clinic
POCPollutant of Concern
POCProgressive Offset Control (Celeris)
POCPulse Of Capitalism
POCPlatoon Operations Center
POCPoint on Curve (surveying)
POCProof of Closure (switch for a valve or acuator)
POCProduction Office Coordinator (film and television industry)
POCPotential Officers Course (UK)
POCPersonal Oxygen Concentrator
POCParents of Ostomy Children
POCPrecursor Organic Compound
POCPosition of Comfort
POCPassage of Conflict (fictitious location; Dark Age of Camelot online game)
POCPissed Off Customer
POCProcessor Outage Control (CCS #7 & ITU-T)
POCPeace Observation Commission (UN)
POCPerformance Objectives and Criteria
POCPreliminary Operational Capability
POCMetal Powder Cutting (welding)
POCPort of Convenience
POCPerson On Call
POCProyectos de Obra Civil (Spanish)
POCPoint of Concept
POCPower of Connecting
POCPu`u `O`o Cone (Hawai'i)
POCPosterior Circulation Syndrome (medical)
POCPreliminary Operational Concept
POCPissed Off Chick
POCPlayer-Owned City (role-playing clan)
POCParent of Child
POCProfessional Officer Candidate
POCProject Overview Committee
POCPaxson Oil Company
POCProject Officer Coordinator (FEMA)
POCPerson of Conscience
POCPercent of Original Charge
POCProperty of Canada
POCPublic Operators Code
POCPulmonary Opacity Code
POCParticulate Oxidation Catalyst (automotive emissions reduction)
POCPack of Chihuahuas (band)
POCPerson on Cocaine
POCPartial-Order Coding (phase encoding)
POCParameter Order Change
POCProcurement Order Cycle




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