Bareback Riding

Bareback Riding


(in Russian, dzhigitovka), a type of equestrian sport; riding a horse at a fast gallop, during which the rider jumps on and off the horse, picks up objects from the ground, hangs on the side or under the stomach of the horse, performs acrobatic stunts, shoots at a target, and the like. The bareback rider demonstrates daring, agility, strength, and skill in handling the horse. Bareback riding is widespread among the peoples of the Caucasus, Middle Asia, and Kazakhstan and among the Don Cossacks. From the first half of the 19th century it has been part of circuses, and in the 20th century, of equestrian events as well. It is used in the training of cavalrymen and equestrian athletes. A similar equestrian sport is equestrian vaulting.


Konnyi sport. Moscow, 1959.
Konevodstvo i konnyi sport, 1963, no. 8.