释义 |
-tomysuff. Act of cutting; incision: gastrotomy. [New Latin -tomia, from Greek -tomiā, from tomos, a cutting, from temnein, to cut; see tem- in Indo-European roots.]-tomy n combining form (Surgery) indicating a surgical cutting of a specified part or tissue: lobotomy. [from Greek -tomia; see -tome]-tomy a combining form meaning “division” (trichotomy), “cutting, dissection, surgical incision” (laparotomy; lobotomy), “excision” of an object (lithotomy). [< Greek -tomia; see -tome, -y3] -tomy
-tomy word element [Gr.], incision; cutting.-tomyA cutting operation. See also: -ectomy. [G. tomē, incision] -tomy Suffix indicating a cutting operation. See also: -ectomy[G. tomē, incision]-tomy Suffix denoting a cutting or making an incision into. |