

单词 wasp



or Wasp W0040600 (wŏsp, wôsp)n. A white person of Protestant English or other Northern European ancestry, especially one belonging to the American upper class.
[W(hite) A(nglo-)S(axon) P(rotestant).]
WASP′y adj.


or Wasp W0040750 (wäsp)n. A member of Women's Airforce Service Pilots, organized during World War II as part of the US Army Air Forces to ferry aircraft and to test new aircraft. The organization was disbanded in 1944.
[From W(omen's) A(irforce) S(ervice) P(ilots).]


W0040600 (wŏsp, wôsp)n. Any of numerous social or solitary hymenopterans of the suborder Apocrita, especially of the family Vespidae, that characteristically have a slender hairless body with a constricted abdomen, two pairs of membranous wings, a mouth adapted for biting or sucking, and in the females an ovipositor sometimes modified as a sting.
[Middle English waspe, from Old English wæps, wæsp.]
wasp′y adj.


(wɒsp) n1. (Animals) any social hymenopterous insect of the family Vespidae, esp Vespula vulgaris (common wasp), typically having a black-and-yellow body and an ovipositor specialized for stinging. See also potter wasp, hornet2. (Animals) any of various solitary hymenopterans, such as the digger wasp and gall wasp[Old English wæsp; related to Old Saxon waspa, Old High German wefsa, Latin vespa] ˈwaspˌlike adj ˈwaspy adj ˈwaspily adv ˈwaspiness n


(wɒsp) or


(in the US) n acronym for (Sociology) White Anglo-Saxon Protestant: a person descended from N European, usually Protestant stock, forming a group often considered the most dominant, privileged, and influential in American society ˈWaspy adj



n. any of numerous winged hymenopterous insects with a slender body and a narrow stalk between the abdomen and thorax, the female having a harsh stinger that can strike repeatedly. [before 900; Middle English waspe, Old English wæsp, metathetic variant of wæps, itself variant of wæfs, akin to Old Saxon wespa, wepsia, Old High German wafsa, Latin vespa] wasp′like`, adj.


or Wasp

n. 1. a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant. 2. a member of the privileged, established white upper middle class in the U.S. adj. 3. Waspy. [1955–60]


(wŏsp) Any of numerous insects having two pairs of wings, mouths adapted for biting or sucking, and in the females an egg-laying tube (called an ovipositor) that is often modified as a sting. Wasps are related to ants and bees and can be solitary or live in colonies.


- The insect traces back to an Indo-European root meaning "weave."See also related terms for weave.
Noun1.WASP - a white person of Anglo-Saxon ancestry who belongs to a Protestant denominationwhite Anglo-Saxon ProtestantCaucasian, White, White person - a member of the Caucasoid raceProtestant - an adherent of Protestantism
2.wasp - social or solitary hymenopterans typically having a slender body with the abdomen attached by a narrow stalk and having a formidable stinghymenopter, hymenopteran, hymenopteron, hymenopterous insect - insects having two pairs of membranous wings and an ovipositor specialized for stinging or piercingvespid, vespid wasp - mostly social nest-building waspsvelvet ant - a solitary wasp of the family Mutillidae; the body has a coat of brightly colored velvety hair and the females are winglesssphecoid, sphecoid wasp - any of various solitary waspscynipid gall wasp, cynipid wasp, gall wasp, gallfly - small solitary wasp that produces galls on oaks and other plants


nounRelated words
adjective vespine
habitation vespiary, bike
see ants, bees, and wasps


(wosp) noun a type of winged insect having a sting and a slender waist. 黃蜂 黄蜂


(wosp) noun (abbreviation) White Anglo-Saxon Protestant; a term used critically (often by minority groups) to refer to the members of the privileged upper middle class in the USA. 盎格魯撒克遜白種人新教徒的縮寫(美國少數族群對國內特權中上階級的負面稱呼) 祖先是盎格鲁•撒克逊人的白种新教徒的缩写(美国少数族群对国内特权中上阶级的负面称呼) Waspish adjectivea Waspish neighborhood. 爭吵不休的 易怒的ˈwaspish adjective (of a person) unpleasant in manner, temper etc. a nasty, waspish young woman. 脾氣暴躁的 脾气暴躁的ˈwaspishly adverb 脾氣暴躁地 脾气暴躁地ˈwaspishness noun 脾氣暴躁 脾气暴躁




solitary wasp

A type of wasp that does not live in a social colony. My sister is an entomologist currently studying the behavior of solitary wasps.See also: solitary, wasp


1. n. a white Anglo-Saxon protestant. (Usually derogatory. Acronym.) Would you call Pete a WASP? 2. mod. having to do with white Anglo-Saxon protestants; waspish. What a silly old WASP idea.



name applied to many winged insectsinsect,
invertebrate animal of the class Insecta of the phylum Arthropoda. Like other arthropods, an insect has a hard outer covering, or exoskeleton, a segmented body, and jointed legs. Adult insects typically have wings and are the only flying invertebrates.
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 of the order Hymenoptera, which also includes ants and bees. Most wasps are carnivorous, feeding on insects, grubs, or spiders. They have biting mouthparts, and the females have stings with which they paralyze their prey. The sting can be used repeatedly. The thorax of a wasp is attached to the abdomen by a narrow stalk (hence the term "wasp-waisted"). Some wasps are solid black or dark blue, but most have red, orange, or yellow wings or markings. Stripes are common. The great majority of the 20,000 species are solitary, but one family (the Vespidae) includes both social forms (the paper wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets) and solitary forms (e.g., the potter wasps).

Social Wasps

In social wasp colonies there are usually three castes: the egg-laying queens (one or more per colony), the workers, or sexually undeveloped females, and the drones, or males. Social wasps build nests of a coarse, papery material, prepared by masticating wood fiber. The eggs are deposited in the compartments, or cells, of the nest, where they develop into larvae and then pupae, emerging as adults. Adult social wasps feed chiefly on nectar and plant sap but feed the larvae with masticated animal food. In temperate regions a colony lasts a single season, the drones and workers dying in the fall. The mated queens take shelter during the winter and in spring lay eggs and start new colonies. In the tropics colonies continue indefinitely, dividing when they grow very large. The paper wasps (Polistes), of nearly worldwide distribution, usually hang their nests, consisting of a single comb (layer of cells), from eaves, branches, or other shelters. The hornets and yellow jackets (Vespa), found throughout the Northern Hemisphere, build a large, round nest of many combs, covered with a paper sheath; in some species this nest is built underground.

Solitary Wasps

Among the solitary wasps, each species usually favors a particular type of prey. The female seals a single egg in a nest provided with paralyzed prey on which the developing larva feeds. In many species the nest is in a burrow or small hole dug by the female. The jug-shaped nests of the potter, or mason, wasps (Eumenes) of Europe and North America are made of mud and fastened to plants. Often seen under bridges and eaves are the "organ-pipe" nests of the mud-dauber wasps (Sceliphron), consisting of long, narrow, adjacent cells of mud. Other solitary wasps are the tarantula hawks (Pepsis) and cicada killers (Sphecus) of the SW United States, which hunt prey much larger than themselves.

Parasitic Wasps

Some wasps are parasitic. The cuckoo wasps (family Chrysididae), of worldwide distribution, are brilliantly colored wasps that lay their eggs in other wasps' nests. The ichneumon fliesichneumon fly
, common name for a family of insects, related to the wasps, whose larvae are parasitic on many other insects. Over 3,000 species of ichneumon flies, also known as ichneumon wasps, are found throughout the United States except in the Southwest.
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 are wasps that lay their eggs in the larvae of other insects. The gall wasps (see gallgall,
abnormal growth, or hypertrophy, of plant tissue produced by chemical or mechanical (e.g., the rubbing together of two branches) irritants or hormones. Chemical irritants are released by parasitic fungi, bacteria, nematode worms, gall insects, and mites.
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) lay eggs in plant tissues. Wasps that prey on harmful insects have been introduced in various regions to control these pests.


The name wasp is sometimes restricted to the so-called true wasps, members of the superfamilies Vespoidae and Sphecoidae. Wasps are classified in the phylum ArthropodaArthropoda
[Gr.,=jointed feet], largest and most diverse animal phylum. The arthropods include crustaceans, insects, centipedes, millipedes, spiders, scorpions, and the extinct trilobites.
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, class Insecta, order Hymenoptera.


[wäsp] (invertebrate zoology) The common name for members of 67 families of the order Hymenoptera; all are important as parasites or predators of injurious pests.


1. any social hymenopterous insect of the family Vespidae, esp Vespula vulgaris (common wasp), typically having a black-and-yellow body and an ovipositor specialized for stinging 2. any of various solitary hymenopterans, such as the digger wasp and gall wasp


(Wireless ASP) An application provider that hosts wireless applications over the Web. There are WASPs that offer ready-made applications for particular industries, while others, such as Air2Web, provide a platform that serves as a gateway between the wireless application and the air interfaces. The latter can be hosted by the provider or the customer. See Air2Web.



(wŏsp, wôsp)n. Any of numerous social or solitary hymenopterans of the suborder Apocrita, especially of the family Vespidae, that characteristically have a slender hairless body with a constricted abdomen, two pairs of membranous wings, a mouth adapted for biting or sucking, and in the females an ovipositor sometimes modified as a sting.
wasp′y adj.
(1) Wasp
A flying insect of the order Hymenoptera whose sting may trigger allergic reactions of variable intensity
(2) WASP
A commonly used acronym for
Informatics Wireless application service provider
Molecular medicine Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein
Vox populi White Anglo-Saxon Protestant The demographic profile of the typical upper-class American until the end of the 20th century


WASPWhite Anglo-Saxon Protestant
WASPWeb Standards Project
WASPWeb Analytics Solution Profiler/Debugger (Mozilla Firefox)
WASPWiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein
WASPWeblink Application Service Provider
WASPWeb Analytics Solution Profiler
WASPWindows Advanced Server Package
WASPWave Sculpting Audio Plug-Ins
WASPWrite All Stored Passwords (software)
WASPWireless Application Service Provider
WASPWe Ain't Sure, Pal (band backronym)
WASPWorkshop on Application Specific Processors
WASPWide Area Search for Planets (UK universities project)
WASPWomen's Air Force Service Pilots
WASPWater Quality Analysis Simulation Program
WASPWashington State Patrol
WASPWorld Aquanaut Security Patrol
WASPWoody Allen Summer Project (film)
WASPWinning and Score Predictor (cricket)
WASPWe Are Sexual Perverts (band)
WASPWind Atlas Analysis and Application Program (PC program for vertical and horizontal extrapolation of wind distributions)
WASPWilliams Aerial Systems Platform
WASPWeb Application Security Project
WASPWeb Applications and Services Platform (WSDL, XML)
WASPWorld Association for Social Psychiatry
WASPWorking Group on Answer Set Programming
WASPWorld Association of Societies of Pathology
WASPWorkplace Analysis Scheme for Proficiency (UK)
WASPWhistler Adaptive Sports Program (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
WASPWe Are Satan's People (AC/DC)
WASPWildfire Airborne Sensor Program
WASPWar Air Service Program
WASPWien Automatic System Planning Package
WASPWater and Steam Properties
WASPWeasel Attack Signal Processor
WASPWings Aerospace Science Program (Denver, CO)
WASPWeb Agent Support Program
WASPWeighted Anomaly Standardized Precipitation
WASPWeb Archiving Strategy Project (University of Melbourne, Australia)
WASPWe Are Sexy Pagans
WASPWhite Anglo Saxon Pagan :-)
WASPWhat A Strange Person
WASPWide-Body Airborne Sensor Platform
WASPWafer-Scale Associative String Processor
WASPWideband Acoustic Signal Processing
WASPWestern Academic and Specialist Press (UK)
WASPWaste Accountability, Shipping, Packaging
WASPWide Area Situation Picture
WASPWeb Advertising and Special Promotions
WASPWork Action Safety Plan (construction sites)
WASPWide Area Saturation Projectile (gaming, Red Faction Ii Weapon)
WASPWide Angle Stinger Pointer
WASPWashington Area Switch Procurement
WASPWrap Around Simulation Program
WASPWideband Analog Signal Processor
WASPWide-Area Special Projectile (USAF)
WASPWelcome, Acquiring Information, Supplying Information, Parting (interview structure)
WASPWait, Ask, Sniff, Pet (mnemonic for how to approach a dog safely)
WASPWar Additive Support Package
WASPWing Articulating Surveillance Platform
WASPWest African Stabilization Program
WASPWhite Ashkenazi Sabra Paratrooper (Israel)
WASPWinchester After School Program (Winchester, Ma)
WASPWater and Sediment Protection
WASPWorship of the Ancient Seventh Planet (Canadian Religious Cult)
WASPWireless Airport Surveillance Platform (TTI Wireless)
WASPWalta Array Simulation Package
WASPWeb Application for Submitting Proposals
WASPWe Are Shilla Players (gaming clan)
WASPWideband Autocorellating Spectrometer
WASPWashington Association of Supernatural Phenomenon


Related to WASP: Wasp sting
  • noun

Synonyms for WASP

noun a white person of Anglo-Saxon ancestry who belongs to a Protestant denomination


  • white Anglo-Saxon Protestant

Related Words

  • Caucasian
  • White
  • White person
  • Protestant

noun social or solitary hymenopterans typically having a slender body with the abdomen attached by a narrow stalk and having a formidable sting

Related Words

  • hymenopter
  • hymenopteran
  • hymenopteron
  • hymenopterous insect
  • vespid
  • vespid wasp
  • velvet ant
  • sphecoid
  • sphecoid wasp
  • cynipid gall wasp
  • cynipid wasp
  • gall wasp
  • gallfly




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