Waubonsie State Park

Waubonsie State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Iowa
Location:7 miles southwest of Sidney, off IA 239-2.
Facilities:40 campsites (24 with electrical hookups) with modern shower andrestroom facilities, 32-site equestrian campground with non-modernrestroom facilities, open picnic shelter (é), interpretive trail, hiking trails (7miles), equestrian trails (8 miles).
Activities:Camping, hiking, horseback riding.
Special Features:Park is located in the unique"Loess Hills," a landform found only along the Missouri River in Iowaand Missouri and in China. The Lewis and Clark National HistoricalTrail passes through the park.
Address:2585 Waubonsie Park Rd
Hamburg, IA 51640

Web: www.iowadnr.com/parks/state_park_list/waubonsie.html
Size: 1,247 acres.

See other parks in Iowa.