Acronym | Definition |
WBS➣Work Breakdown Structure (project management) |
WBS➣Work Breakdown Structure |
WBS➣Warwick Business School |
WBS➣World Business Satellite |
WBS➣Wilkes Barre-Scranton (Pennsylvania) |
WBS➣Write Back Soon |
WBS➣Wideband System |
WBS➣Williams-Beuren Syndrome |
WBS➣Wiardi Beckman Stichting (Dutch think tank) |
WBS➣Whole Body Scan |
WBS➣Web-Based System |
WBS➣Wireless Business Solutions |
WBS➣Wireless Broadband Solution |
WBS➣Wireless Broadband Services |
WBS➣War Between the States |
WBS➣Waseda Business School (Japan) |
WBS➣Whole Business Securitization |
WBS➣Wireless Broadband Service (telecommunications; various locations) |
WBS➣William Brookes School (UK) |
WBS➣Wavah Broadcasting Service (Uganda) |
WBS➣Wheel Braking System (military aviation/helicopters) |
WBS➣Wide Bandgap Semiconductor |
WBS➣Website Booking System (travel) |
WBS➣Wireless Business System |
WBS➣Workplace Basic Skills (curriculum) |
WBS➣Wireless Broadband System |
WBS➣Wiedemann-Beckwith Syndrome |
WBS➣West Bank Story (film) |
WBS➣West By South |
WBS➣Weight and Balance System |
WBS➣Wight Business Services (est. 1982; UK) |
WBS➣Web Biz Solutions |
WBS➣Wyoming Boys School (Wyoming Department of Family Services) |
WBS➣Work Breakout Structure (less common) |
WBS➣White Buffalo Society |
WBS➣Without Benefit of Salvage |
WBS➣Webster's Bible Translation |
WBS➣Wirtschafts- und Bildungsservice (German: Service of Economic and Educational Training and Education) |
WBS➣Wellington Botanical Society (New Zealand) |
WBS➣Well Bore Stability (oil wells) |
WBS➣Western Billing Services |
WBS➣Westinghouse Brake & Signal Limited (UK) |
WBS➣Wideband Serializer |
WBS➣Working Bikes Storefront (Chicago, IL) |
WBS➣Wetter Beobachtungs Schiff (German: Weather Observation Ship) |