

B0001100 (bä′äl′, bäl, bāl)n. pl. Ba·als or Ba·a·lim (bä′ä-lĭm, bä′lĭm) 1. Any of various local fertility and nature gods of the ancient Semitic peoples considered to be false gods by the Hebrews.2. often baal A false god or idol.
[Hebrew ba'al, lord, Baal; see bʕl in Semitic roots.]
Ba′al′ism n.


(ˈbɑːlɪzəm) nthe worship of false gods or idols


the worship, in ancient Canaan or Phoenicia, of any of a variety of chief deities referred to as Baal, ’lord.’ — Baalite, n.Baalistic, adj.See also: God and Gods