Wharton State Forest
Wharton State Forest
Location:Batsto Village office: 8 miles east of Hammonton on Route 542. AtsionRecreation Area office: 8 miles north of Hammonton on Route 206.
Facilities:50 tent & trailer campsites with potable water, flush toilets, andshowers (Atsion), 49 tent and trailer campsites with water and pittoilets (Godfrey Bridge), wilderness campsites (group, individual, andfamily sites), 9 cabins, picnic areas, picnic shelters, group picnicfacilities, playgrounds, food concession, multi-use trails, nature trails, bathhouse, boat launch, visitor center, exhibitgallery, museum shop, interpretive center, historic village.
Activities:Camping, boating (electric motors only), canoeing, fishing, swimming,hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, cross-country skiing,hunting.
Special Features:Forest is the largest single tract of land within the New Jersey statepark system. Throughout Wharton are rivers and streams for canoeing,hiking trails (including a major section of New Jersey's Batona Trail),500 miles of unpaved roads for mountain biking and horseback riding,and numerous lakes, ponds, and fields for wildlife observation. Forestalso includes historic Batso Village, Atsion Recreation Area (seeseparate entries), Batsto Natural Area, and Oswego River Natural Area.
Address:4110 Nesco Rd
Hammonton, NJ 08037
Web: www.njparksandforests.org/parks/wharton.html
Size: 114,793 acres.
See other parks in New Jersey.