White Clay Creek State Park

White Clay Creek State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Delaware
Location:2 miles north of Newark on DE 896.
Facilities:Picnic area, pavilions, hiking and shared-use trails, historical sites, nature programs, food concession, restrooms (é).
Activities:Hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, picnicking, fishing,hunting, cross-country skiing, sledding, nature programs, birdwatching.
Special Features:Park includes four linked sections: the Carpenter Recreation Area,White Clay Creek Preserve (see entry in Pennsylvania state parkssection), Possum Hill, and the Judge Morris Estate. It is knownespecially for its excellent birdwatching.
Address:425 Wedgewood Rd
Newark, DE 19711

Web: www.destateparks.com/wccsp
Size: 3,384 acres.

See other parks in Delaware.