Windows requirements

Windows requirements

Windows and Windows applications place huge demands on a PC. A fast graphics card is as important as a fast CPU. In addition, to get more utility and enjoyment from Windows, purchase the largest monitor you can afford. Following are the recommended requirements. See how to select a PC monitor and dual monitor.

Well-Equipped ConfigurationFor General Business UseOS Windows 10 Pro CPU Intel i5 or equivalent Expansion PCI Express, USB 3.0 RAM 4GB Hard disk 1TB Optical  8x DVD (-RW/+RW) Screen  24" (1920x1080) Well-Equipped ConfigurationFor CAD, Imaging and Desktop PublishingOS Windows 10 Pro CPU Intel i7 or equivalent Expansion PCI Express, USB 3.0 RAM 16GB Hard disk 2TB Optical  16x DVD (-RW/+RW) Screen 27" (2560x1440)