Acronym | Definition |
WMD➣Weapons of Mass Destruction |
WMD➣Water Management District |
WMD➣World's Most Dangerous |
WMD➣Weighted Mean Difference |
WMD➣Weapons of Mass Deception |
WMD➣Windows Media Device |
WMD➣Windows Mediaplayer Download |
WMD➣Weapons of Mass Distraction |
WMD➣Wife, Mother, Daughter |
WMD➣World Movement for Democracy |
WMD➣Waste Management Division |
WMD➣Washington Military Department (Tacoma, WA) |
WMD➣Wet Macular Degeneration (eye disease) |
WMD➣White Muscle Disease |
WMD➣Workers' Memorial Day (Worlwide Trades Unions) |
WMD➣Weapons of Mass Disruption |
WMD➣Weights and Measures Division (US NIST) |
WMD➣World Marriage Day |
WMD➣Where's My Droid (software application) |
WMD➣Windows Media Device (Microsoft) |
WMD➣Water Management Division |
WMD➣World Maths Day |
WMD➣Wearable Medical Device |
WMD➣Why Men Die |
WMD➣White Male Dominance |
WMD➣Western Military District |
WMD➣Warren McKeon Dickson (Sydney, Australia law firm) |
WMD➣Waiver of Monthly Deduction (insurance) |
WMD➣Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorder |
WMD➣World Message Day (anti-war website) |
WMD➣Wheresmydad (UK charity) |
WMD➣Work Management Department |
WMD➣Which Medical Device (medical device review website) |