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wot W0058500 (wŏt)v. Archaic First and third person singular present tense of wit2. [Middle English wat, from Old English wāt; see weid- in Indo-European roots.]wot (wɒt) vbarchaic or dialect (used with: I, she, he, it, or a singular noun) a form of the present tense (indicative mood) of wit2wit1 (wɪt) n. 1. the keen perception and clever expression of those connections between ideas that awaken amusement and pleasure. 2. a person having or noted for such perception and expression. 3. witty speech or writing. 4. understanding, intelligence, or sagacity; astuteness. 5. Usu., wits. a. shrewdness; resourcefulness; ingenuity: to live by one's wits. b. mental faculties; senses: to have one's wits about one. Idioms: at one's wit's or wits' end, drained of all ideas or mental resources; utterly confused or frustrated. [before 900; Middle English, Old English: mind, thought, c. Old Frisian, Old Saxon wit, Old High German wizzi] syn: See humor. wit2 (wɪt) v.t., v.i. past and past part. wist; pres. part. wit•ting. Archaic. to know. Idioms: to wit, that is to say; namely: an overwhelming victory, to wit, a landslide. [before 900; Middle English; Old English witan, c. Old Saxon, Gothic witan, Old High German wizzan, Old Norse vita; akin to Latin vidēre, Greek ideîn to see, Skt vidati (he) knows] TranslationsEncyclopediaSeewitLegalSeeWitWOT
Acronym | Definition |
WOT➣World of Tanks (online game) | WOT➣Web of Trust | WOT➣Wide Open Throttle | WOT➣The Wheel of Time (book series by Robert Jordan) | WOT➣Wheel Of Time | WOT➣World of Tanks (gaming) | WOT➣War on Terror(ism) | WOT➣World of Tomorrow (various locations) | WOT➣Waste of Time | WOT➣Week of Training | WOT➣Way of Thinking | WOT➣Without Tenure (teaching) | WOT➣Way Off Topic | WOT➣Wall of Text | WOT➣Women on Top | WOT➣Wild Orange Thing (metal detector coil) | WOT➣Women-Only Training | WOT➣Work Order Ticket |