Acronym | Definition |
WRT➣With Regard To |
WRT➣With Respect To |
WRT➣Wrought |
WRT➣World Rally Team |
WRT➣With Reference To |
WRT➣Web Runtime (cell phone application) |
WRT➣Water Remediation Technology (various locations) |
WRT➣Whitewater Resource Toolkit |
WRT➣Wireless Router |
WRT➣Whitewater Rescue Technician |
WRT➣Water Restoration Technician (Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification) |
WRT➣Westchester Reform Temple |
WRT➣Walter Reade Theater |
WRT➣Wireless Receiver/Transmitter |
WRT➣Wallace Roberts & Todd |
WRT➣Workforce Review Team (National Health Service body responsible for workforce planning in England) |
WRT➣Waterfront Regeneration Trust (Canada) |
WRT➣Wealth Replacement Trust |
WRT➣Welcome Real Time (Aix-en-Provence, France) |
WRT➣Web Reporting Tool (various organizations) |
WRT➣Wilderness Rescue Team (Gray, ME) |
WRT➣Workshop on Refactoring Tools |
WRT➣Water Round Torpedo |
WRT➣Wildlife Rehabilitation Today (magazine) |
WRT➣Windowed Radon Transform |
WRT➣World Roofing Technologies (South Africa) |
WRT➣Writer's Round Table |
WRT➣Warrior River Terminal Company |
WRT➣World Robo Tournament (Robo Academy; Singapore) |
WRT➣Wastewater Retention Tank |