Acronym | Definition |
WTT➣Want To Trade |
WTT➣Waiting to Try |
WTT➣Watch the Throne |
WTT➣Wild Trout Trust (UK and Ireland) |
WTT➣World Team Tennis |
WTT➣Working Timetable (UK railways) |
WTT➣Well to Tank |
WTT➣Welcome to Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan) |
WTT➣Wheels through Time (museum; North Carolina) |
WTT➣What to Think |
WTT➣Wind Tunnel Test (various companies) |
WTT➣Well-To-Tank |
WTT➣World Turtle Trust (Kailua, HI) |
WTT➣White Trailer Trash (gaming clan) |
WTT➣Windows Test Technology (Microsoft Corp.) |
WTT➣Weapon Tactics Trainer |
WTT➣Warrior Training Task |
WTT➣Web Technology Training (Alcan Aluminum Corporation) |
WTT➣What the Turban |
WTT➣Wyoming Travel & Tourism |