XXY syndrome

Kline·fel·ter syn·drome

(klīn'fel-tĕr), a chromosomal anomaly with chromosome count 47, XXY sex chromosome constitution; buccal and other cells are usually sex chromatin positive; patients are male in development but have seminiferous tubule dysgenesis resulting in azospenmia and infertility, elevated plasma and urinary gonadotropins, variable gynecomastia, and eunuchoid habitus; some patients have chromosomal mosaic syndrome, with two or more cell lines of different chromosome constitution; the male tortoise-shell cat (calico cat) is an animal model. Synonym(s): XXY syndrome

Klinefelter syndrome

A syndrome with a 47, XXY chromosome complement, in which the subjects are phenotypically male but have seminiferous tubule dysgenesis, elevated plasma and urinary gonadotropins, variable gynecomastia, eunuchoid habitus and possibly female secondary sex characteristics. Some patients are chromosomal mosaics, with two or more cell lines of different chromosome constitution.

XXY syndrome

Klinefelter syndrome, see there.

Kline·fel·ter syn·drome

(klīn'fel-tĕr sin'drōm) Anomaly in males with chromosome count 47, XXY sex chromosome constitution; usually have seminiferous tubule dysgenesis, elevated urinary gonadotropins, gynecomastia, and eunuchoid habitus.
Synonym(s): XXY syndrome.


Harry Fitch, Jr., U.S. physician, 1912–. Klinefelter syndrome - a chromosomal anomaly in which patients are male in development but have seminiferous tubule dysgenesis, elevated urinary gonadotropins, variable gynecomastia, and eunuchoid habitus. Synonym(s): XXY syndrome

Patient discussion about XXY syndrome

Q. how do I Know the treatment of klinefelter syndrome. availability of treatment in Sudan (Am fat,small pains )

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