Zlatogorov, Semen

Zlatogorov, Semen Ivanovich


Born Apr. 20 (May 5), 1873, in Berlin; died Mar. 17, 1931, in Leningrad. Soviet microbiologist, epidemiologist, and specialist in infectious diseases; corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929).

Zlatogorov graduated from the Military Medical Academy in 1897. He specialized in microbiology under I. I. Mechnikov. He became a professor at the Psychoneurological Institute in 1911 and was a professor at the Military Medical Academy and the Leningrad Gynecological Institute during 1920–24. From 1924 to 1929 he was chief of the I. I. Mechnikov First Ukrainian Sanitary-Bacteriological Institute (Kharkov), and from 1929 director of the Prophylactic Institute of the Military Medical Academy.

His principal works were devoted to the variability of microbes, which enabled Zlatogorov to use microbe strains with the greatest immunogenicity for the preparation of vaccines. He was the first to pose the problem of preparation of associated vaccines. He elaborated the problems of the etiology and prophylaxis of measles and scarlet fever and studied the mechanisms of development in plague and cholera. He organized and participated in expeditions to control plague, cholera, and other infections in Astrakhan Province (1899), on the Don (1902), in Iran (1904), and in China (1911).


Vaktsinoterapiia v meditsine. Kharkov, 1923.
Uchenie o mikroorganizmakh, parts 1–3. Petrograd, 1916–18.
Uchenie ob infektsii i immunitete. Kharkov, 1928.
Kurs infektsionnykh zabolevanii, vols. 1–2. Moscow-Leningrad, 1932–35.


Kogan-Iasnyi, V. “Professor S. I. Zlatogorov.” Khronika zdravookhraneniia, 1928, nos. 7–8, pp. 5–6.