Zondek-Aschheim test

Zondek-Aschheim test

An obsolete biological assay that was the first reliable test for early pregnancy; test urine was injected into immature female mice, and if (single functional unit) chorionic gonadotropin is present, ovarian hypearemia was seen by the fifth day.

Zondek-Aschheim test

(zon′dek″ash′hīm″) [Bernhardt Zondek, Ger.-born Israeli obstetrician-gynecologist, 1891–1966; Selmar Aschheim, Ger. gynecologist, 1878–1965] A test for pregnancy performed by injecting the patient's urine subcutaneously into immature female mice.


Selmar, German obstetrician and gynecologist, 1878-1965. Aschheim-Zondek test - an obsolete test for pregnancy. Synonym(s): A-Z test; Zondek-Aschheim testZondek-Aschheim test - Synonym(s): Aschheim-Zondek test


Bernhardt, German obstetrician and gynecologist, 1891-1966. Aschheim-Zondek test - see under AschheimZondek-Aschheim test - Synonym(s): Aschheim-Zondek test