
di·po·lar i·ons

ions possessing both a negative charge and a positive charge, each localized at a different point in the molecule, which thus has both positive and negative "poles"; amino acids are the most notable dipolar ions, containing a positively charged NH3+ group and a negatively charged COO- group at neutral pH. Synonym(s): amphions, zwitterions

di·po·lar ions

(dī-pō'lăr ī'onz) Ions possessing both a negative charge and a positive charge, each localized at a different point in the molecule, which thus has both positive and negative "poles."
Synonym(s): zwitterions.

zwit·ter hy·poth·e·sis

(tsvit'er hī-poth'ĕ-sis) That an amphoteric molecule (e.g., an amino acid) has, at its isoelectric point, equal numbers of positive and negative charges, thus becoming a zwitterion (dipolar ion).


The dipolar ions that form from amino acids when they are in solution at a neutral pH.