释义 |
demyelination [de-mi´ĕ-lin-a´shun] destruction, removal, or loss of the myelin sheath of a nerve or nerves. Called also demyelinization and myelinolysis.de·my·e·li·na·tion , demyelinization (dē-mī'e-lin-ā'shŭn, dē-mī'ĕ-lin-i-za'shŭn), Loss of myelin with preservation of the axons or fiber tracts. Central demyelination occurs within the central nervous system (for example, the demyelination seen with multiple sclerosis); peripheral demyelination affects the peripheral nervous system (for example, the demyelination seen with Guillain-Barré syndrome).de·my·e·li·na·tion , demyelinization (dē-mī'e-lin-ā'shŭn, -ī-zā'shŭn) Loss of myelin with preservation of the axons or fiber tracts. Central demyelination occurs within the central nervous system (e.g., the demyelination seen with multiple sclerosis); peripheral demyelination affects the peripheral nervous system (e.g., the demyelination seen with Guillain-Barré syndrome). de·my·e·li·na·tion , demyelinization (dē-mī'e-lin-ā'shŭn, -ī-zā'shŭn, dē-mīĕ-li-nāshŭn, -lin-ī-zāshŭn) Loss of myelin with preservation of the axons or fiber tracts. |