Aselli gland

A·sel·li gland

(ă-sel'ē), a single large lymph node ventral to the abdominal aorta that receives all the lymph from the intestines in many smaller mammals. Synonym(s): Aselli pancreas

A·sel·li gland

(ă-sel'ē gland) A single large lymph node ventral to the abdominal aorta that receives all the lymph from the intestines in many smaller mammals.


(Asellio, Asellius), Gasparo, Italian anatomist, 1581-1626. Aselli gland - a single large lymph node ventral to the abdominal aorta that receives all the lymph from the intestines in many smaller mammals. Synonym(s): Aselli pancreasAselli pancreas - Synonym(s): Aselli gland