Cordier, Andrew Wellington

Cordier, Andrew Wellington

(kôr`dē-ā'), 1901–75, American educator and public official, b. Canton, Ohio. He studied at Manchester College in Indiana, where he later taught (1923–44). He also studied at the Univ. of Chicago and at the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva. After working briefly for the U.S. Dept. of State (1944–46) he began a long association with the United Nations, where he was until 1962 executive assistant to the UN secretaries general. He was a chief negotiator for the United Nations in the Congo in 1960. In 1962 he became dean of the School of International Affairs (SIA) at Columbia. He served as acting president (1968–69) and then as president (1969–70) of Columbia, thereafter returning to his post at SIA until 1972.