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ex·e·crate E0269500 (ĕk′sĭ-krāt′)tr.v. ex·e·crat·ed, ex·e·crat·ing, ex·e·crates 1. To declare to be hateful or abhorrent; denounce.2. To feel loathing for; abhor.3. Archaic To invoke a curse on. [Latin execrārī, execrāt- : ex-, ex- + sacrāre, to consecrate (from sacer, sacred; see sak- in Indo-European roots).] ex′e·cra′tive, ex′e·cra·to′ry (-krə-tôr′ē) adj.ex′e·cra′tor n.execrator (ˈɛksɪˌkreɪtə) na person who execrates or makes an execrationThesaurusSeeexecrate |