dental jurisprudence

fo·ren·sic den·tis·try

1. the relation and application of dental facts to legal problems, as in using the teeth for identifying the dead; 2. the law in its bearing on the practice of dentistry. Synonym(s): dental jurisprudence, forensic odontology, legal dentistry

dental jurisprudence

The application of the principles of law as they relate to the practice of dentistry, to the obligations of the practitioners to their patients, and to the relations of dentists to each other and to society in general. This term and forensic dentistry are sometimes used as synonyms, but some authorities consider the first as a branch of law and the second as a branch of dentistry. See also: jurisprudence

fo·ren·sic den·tis·try

(fŏr-en'sik den'tis-trē) 1. Relation and application of dental facts to legal issues. 2. Law in its bearing on the practice of dentistry.
Synonym(s): dental jurisprudence, legal dentistry.