

单词 eaf



Effort Adjustment Factor


EAFElectric Arc Furnace
EAFExhaust Air Fan
EAFEgyptian Air Force
EAFEgyptian Armed Forces
EAFEcosystem Approach to Fisheries
EAFEPEC (Enteropathogenic Escherichia Coli) Adherence Factor
EAFÉpreuves Anticipées de Français (French: Early French Tests)
EAFEnterprise Architecture Framework
EAFEast Asia Forum
EAFEth Adaptation Function
EAFExclusive Access Files
EAFExperimental Art Foundation (Adelaide, South Australia)
EAFEnergy Assistance Fund (various organizations)
EAFExpeditionary Airfield
EAFExpeditionary Aerospace Forces (US DoD)
EAFEosinophilic Angiocentric Fibrosis (respiratory illness)
EAFEnergy Availability Factor (power plant performance)
EAFÉquipement Automobile Français (French: French Automotive Equipment)
EAFÉtiquette à la Française (French manners)
EAFEmployers Association of Florida
EAFEstimate-and-Forward (algorithm)
EAFÉlectricité Autonome Française (French: Independent French Electricity)
EAFEqual Access Fund (California)
EAFEntity Armed Forces
EAFEffort Adjustment Factor
EAFEnterprise Application Fabric (software)
EAFEnvironmentally Attributable Fraction
EAFEnglish Archery Federation
EAFEducational Advancement Foundation (Chicago, IL)
EAFEdinburgh Art Festival (Scotland, UK)
EAFElastic Arts Foundation (Chicago, IL)
EAFExpense Approval Form (various organizations)
EAFEmployer Application Form (UK)
EAFEarth Alliance Forces (Gundam Seed Anime)
EAFEvent Approval Form
EAFElite Armed Forces
EAFEnginemen's Assurance Fund (UK)
EAFEquipment Allowance File
EAFElectrolysis Association of Florida
EAFEconomic Analysis Fundamentals
EAFEvent Adaptation Function
EAFEngineering Analysis Function
EAFEngineering Application Framework
EAFEconomic Adjustment Factor
EAFExperimenter's Analysis Facility
EAFExport Authorization Form
EAFEffective Availability Factor
EAFEmergency Action Facility
EAFÉquipe d'Approfondissement de la Foi (French: Team Deepening of Faith)




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