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cy•clo (ˈsi kloʊ, saɪ-) n., pl. -clos. n. a three-wheeled pedaled or motorized taxi in SE Asia. [1960–65; < French cyclo(-pousse)=cyclo-, comb. form representing cycle cycle + pousse, appar. short for pousse-pousse jinrikisha (reduplication of pousse, n. derivative of pousser to push)] cyclo- a combining form meaning “circle” (cyclometer; cyclotron); “cycle” (cyclothymia); “(of a chemical compound) structured in closed chains” (cyclohexane); “cyclone” (cyclogenesis). [< Greek kyklo-, comb. form of kýklos circle, ring; c. Skt cakra wheel] Cyclo
Cyclo (programming, tool)(Cyclomatic complexity tool) A C andC++ code analysis tool by Roger D. Binns. It measurescyclomatic complexity, shows function calls, and can drawflowgraphs of ANSI C and C++ code. It requires Lexand C++.
Posted to alt.sources, 1993-06-28.MedicalSeecyclo-AcronymsSeeCHP |