Camere del Lavoro

Camere del Lavoro


(houses of labor), territorial, horizontal organizations of the Italian General Confederation of Labor. Local camere first appeared in 1891 in Milan, Turin, and Piacenza and later in other cities. At first they occupied themselves only with problems of mutual aid and the defense of the economic interests of the workers. In time they participated in political life as well. The First Congress of the Camere del Lavoro (1893), representing 12 camere, founded a national federation. After the formation of the General Confederation of Labor in 1906, the camere del lavoro became its local organs in the provinces. The Fascists, who seized power in 1922, caused the camere to be disbanded in 1927. The camere were reestablished as a result of the Pact of Rome of 1944, which formed the All-Italian Confederation of Labor (CGIL).

The camere del lavoro fulfill two basic functions. They are involved in trade union legal matters, serving as advisers to unions in various branches of industry, especially on questions concerning the concluding of labor agreements. They also function as political coordinators for the CGIL in the localities and for branch trade unions in the provinces. The camere organize the struggle in defense of workers’ interests. They struggle for the unity of trade unions of all tendencies within each province and participate in the struggle for democracy and peace.