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candlestick chart
Candlestick chartA popular method of charting price fluctuations that displays an asset's opening, closing, high, and low prices for the period. Â Points on a candlestick chart are represented as a box, called the real body, with a vertical line on both the top and bottom. Â White-bodied boxes represent upward movement in the price of the asset: the bottom of the body is the opening price and the top of the body is the closing price. Â Black-bodied boxes represent downward movement in the price of the asset: the bottom of the body is the closing price and the top of the body is the opening price. Â In both cases, the top vertical line shows the high price for the period, and the bottom vertical line shows the low price for the period. See: Real body.Candlestick ChartA chart of a stock's performance over a given period of time where each trading day is represented by a drawing of what looks like a candle. The candle has wicks (called shadows) coming out of each end representing the high and low prices for each trading day. The candles are colored white a days where the price increases and black on days it decreases. For white candles, the bottom of the candle represents the opening price and the top is the closing price. It is the opposite for black candles. Candlestick charts are very important in technical analysis.candlestick chart candlestick A variation of a bar chart in which the open and close prices are represented as the top and bottom of a rectangle surrounding a vertical line connecting the high and low prices. The appearance is of a barrel around a fence post. The body of the rectangle is filled if the closing price is lower than the opening price and blank if the closing price is higher than the opening price. Compare bar chart, line chart.AcronymsSeeCDL |