Chile, University of

Chile, University of


the largest state higher educational institution in Chile, located in Santiago. Founded in 1738 as the Royal University of San Felipe, the school was reorganized in 1843 as the University of Chile and A. Bello was appointed its first rector.

Under the Unidad Popular government (1970–73) efforts were made to democratize the university. The social composition of the student body changed as more students of working-class background were admitted, and student organizations played an active role in university affairs. The military junta that seized power in 1973 purged the university of its progressive students and teachers.

In the 1976–77 academic year, the university had 19 faculties: physics and mathematics, chemistry and pharmacy, natural sciences, medicine (four faculties), dentistry, agronomy, veterinary science, forestry science, architecture, education, music, the humanities, fine arts, philosophy and letters, juridical and social sciences, and economics. There were eight branch campuses in other cities, including Antofagasta, Arica, Iquique, and La Serena. Affiliated institutions include the Institute for Materials Research and Testing, the Genetic Society of Chile, the National Conservatory, the National Astronomical Observatory, the Art of the American Peoples Museum, and the Contemporary Art Museum.

In 1976–77 the university had an enrollment of about 64,000 students and a faculty of 16,800 instructors. The Central Library contains more than 200,000 volumes, and the 40 other university libraries have about a million volumes The university publishes Anales de la Universidad de Chile, and it oversees other higher educational institutions.