Electrical Equipment of Transportation Vehicles
Electrical Equipment of Transportation Vehicles
any set of equipment intended for the production, distribution, and use of electricity in transportation vehicles. The main sources of current used in transportation vehicles are storage batteries and electric generators. The types and number of current-consuming devices used in transportation vehicles depend on the design features and operating conditions of the various means of transportation.
In motorcycles, the current-consuming devices are spark plugs and headlights. In passenger cars, trucks, and tractors, the current-consuming equipment includes spark plugs, headlights, starters, auxiliary lighting, instruments, signal lights, and equipment and devices for driver and passenger comfort.
In railroad rolling stock, sources of electricity are used to power signaling equipment, lighting systems, blower and compressor motors, auxiliary apparatus, and special equipment, such as electric heaters, vacuum cleaners, and radio equipment. On special trains, electricity is also supplied to machine tools and electric-powered tools.
In aircraft, electricity is consumed by instruments and other control equipment, ignition systems, and lighting and signaling systems.
In ships, the current-consuming equipment includes motors that drive cargo cranes, windlasses, pumps, blowers, and engine-room machinery, as well as control, communications, lighting, and navigation equipment. The wiring that connects the sources of current to the current-consuming equipment may amount to as much as several hundred kilometers of cable and other wiring. A ship may have several thousand different distribution devices.
Galkin, Iu. M. Elektrooborudovanie avtomobilei i traktorov, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1967.Bannikov, S. P. Elektrooborudovanie avtomobilei. Moscow, 1977.
Ashcheulov, V. P., A. M. Babaev, and A. I. Bel’kevich. Sudovye elektroseti i pribory upravleniia. Leningrad, 1970.
Ekspluatatsiia sudovogo elektrooborudovaniia. Moscow, 1975.
Palenyi, E. G. Oborudovanie samoletov. Moscow, 1968.
Elektrosnabzhenie letatel’nykh apparatov. Moscow, 1975.