Blue Ridge Parkway - Virginia

Blue Ridge Parkway - Virginia

Parks Directory of the United States / National Scenic BywaysAddress:199 Hemphill Knob Road
Asheville, NC 28803

Web: Description:Built during the Depression, the Blue Ridge Parkway is the nation'slongest rural parkway, extendingalong the crests of the Southern Appalachians and connecting Shenandoah National Park in Virginiawith the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in North Carolina. The Virginia section of the parkway passes through George Washington National Forest and offers access to the Appalachian National Scenic Trail. Areas of interest include: Cave Mountain Lake and Sherando Lake recreation areas, which offer opportunities for swimming, boating, camping, and other recreational activities; and Crabtree Falls, which is the largest vertical drop waterfall east of the Mississippi River.
Legth: 217 miles (Virginia section); 469 miles (entire parkway). Start/Endpoint: Milepost 0 at Rockfish Gap near Waynesboro, Virginia, is thenorthern end of the Blue Ridge Parkway and the beginning of thescenic roadway that ends in North Carolina. To the north, theParkway connects directly to Skyline Drive, which winds 105 milesthrough Shenandoah National Park. The bywaycrosses the North Carolina-Virginia state line at milepost216.9, and extends south to Cherokee, North Carolina, where itends and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park begins. Time to Allow: 6 hours (Virginia section); 14 hours (entire parkway). Designation/Year: All-American Road (2005).

See other parks in North Carolina.