释义 |
commissurae supraopticae com·mis·sur·ae su·pra·op·ti·cae (kom-i-syūr'ē sū-pră-op'ti-sē) [TA] The commissural fibers that lie above and behind the optic chiasm. Synonym(s): supraoptic commissures. Ganser, Siegbert J.M., German psychiatrist, 1853-1931. basal nucleus of Ganser - a group of large cells in the innominate substance, ventral to the lentiform nucleus. Synonym(s): nucleus basalis of GanserGanser commissures - the commissural fibers that lie above and behind the optic chiasms. Synonym(s): commissurae supraopticaeGanser syndrome - a psychoticlike condition, without the symptoms and signs of a traditional psychosis, occurring typically in prisoners who feign insanity. Synonym(s): nonsense syndrome; syndrome of approximate relevant answers; syndrome of deviously relevant answersnucleus basalis of Ganser - Synonym(s): basal nucleus of Ganser
Gudden, Bernhard A. von, German neurologist, 1824-1886. Gudden commissures - the commissural fibers that lie above and behind the optic chiasm. Synonym(s): commissurae supraopticaeGudden ganglion - a median, unpaired, ovoid cell group at the base of the midbrain tegmentum between the cerebral peduncles. Synonym(s): interpeduncular nucleusGudden tegmental nuclei - collective term for two small round cell groups in the caudal part of the midbrain associated with the mamillary body by way of the mamillary peduncle and mamillotegmental tract. Synonym(s): tegmental nuclei
Meynert, Theodor H., Austrian neurologist, 1833-1892. Meynert cells - solitary pyramidal cells found in the cortex in the region of the calcarine fissure.Meynert commissures - the commissural fibers that lie above and behind the optic chiasm. Synonym(s): commissurae supraopticaeMeynert decussationMeynert fasciculus - a compact bundle of fibers in the midbrain. Synonym(s): Meynert retroflex bundle; retroflex fasciculusMeynert layer - layer three of the cortex cerebri. Synonym(s): pyramidal cell layerMeynert retroflex bundle - Synonym(s): Meynert fasciculus |