释义 |
common cochlear artery common cochlear artery [TA] origin: as a terminal branch, with the anterior vestibular artery, of the labyrinthine artery; distribution: runs in the cochlear axis of modiolus serving the spiral ganglia; sends the proper cochlear artery to the cochlear duct and supplies the apical two turns of the spiral modiolar artery. Synonym(s): arteria cochlearis communis [TA]com·mon coch·le·ar ar·te·ry (kom'ŏn kok'lē-ăr ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] Origin, as a terminal branch, with the anterior vestibular artery, of the labyrinthine artery; distribution, runs in the cochlear axis of modiolus serving the spiral ganglia; sends the proper cochlear artery to the cochlear duct and supplies the apical two turns of the spiral modiolar artery. Synonym(s): arteria cochlearis communis [TA] . com·mon coch·le·ar ar·te·ry (kom'ŏn kok'lē-ăr ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] Origin: as a terminal branch, with the anterior vestibular artery, of the labyrinthine artery; distribution: runs in the cochlear axis of modiolus serving the spiral ganglia; sends the proper cochlear artery to the cochlear duct and supplies the apical two turns of the spiral modiolar artery. |