

单词 dream



D0385400 (drēm)n.1. A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.2. A daydream; a reverie.3. A state of abstraction; a trance: wandering around in a dream.4. A condition or achievement that is longed for; an aspiration: a dream of owning their own business.5. A wild fancy or unrealistic hope: He knew that playing for a professional team was only a dream.6. Informal One that is exceptionally gratifying, excellent, or beautiful: Her boyfriend is a dream.v. dreamed or dreamt (drĕmt), dream·ing, dreams v.intr.1. To experience a dream in sleep: dreamed of meeting an old friend.2. To daydream: sat there dreaming during class.3. To have a deep aspiration or hope: dreaming of a world at peace.4. To regard something as feasible or practical: I wouldn't dream of skiing on icy slopes.v.tr.1. To experience a dream of while asleep: Did it storm last night, or did I dream it?2. To conceive as possible; imagine: We never dreamed it would snow so much.3. To have as an aspiration or hope: She dreams that she will become a pilot.4. To pass (time) idly or in reverie.Phrasal Verbs: dream on Informal Used in the imperative to indicate that a statement or suggestion is improbable or unrealistic. dream up To invent; concoct: dreamed up a plan to corner the market.
[Middle English drem, from Old English drēam, joy, music; akin to Old Saxon drōm, mirth, dream.]


(driːm) n1. (Psychology) a. mental activity, usually in the form of an imagined series of events, occurring during certain phases of sleepb. (as modifier): a dream sequence. c. (in combination): dreamland. oneiric2. (Psychology) a. a sequence of imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake; daydream; fantasyb. (as modifier): a dream world. 3. a person or thing seen or occurring in a dream4. a cherished hope; ambition; aspiration5. a vain hope6. a person or thing that is as pleasant, or seemingly unreal, as a dream7. go like a dream to move, develop, or work very wellvb, dreams, dreaming, dreamed or dreamt (drɛmt) 8. (may take a clause as object) to undergo or experience (a dream or dreams)9. (intr) to indulge in daydreams10. (Psychology) (intr) to suffer delusions; be unrealistic: you're dreaming if you think you can win. 11. (when: intr, foll by of or about) to have an image (of) or fantasy (about) in or as if in a dream12. (foll by: of) to consider the possibility (of): I wouldn't dream of troubling you. adjtoo good to be true; ideal: dream kitchen. [Old English drēam song; related to Old High German troum, Old Norse draumr, Greek thrulos noise] ˈdreamful adj ˈdreamfully adv ˈdreaming n, adj ˈdreamingly adv ˈdreamless adj ˈdreamlessly adv ˈdreamlessness n ˈdreamˌlike adj



n., v. dreamed dreamt, dream•ing, n. 1. a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep. 2. a particular sequence of such images, thoughts, or feelings: a recurring dream about a circus. 3. an involuntary vision occurring to a person when awake. 4. a daydream or reverie. 5. an aspiration; goal; aim. 6. a wild or vain fancy. 7. something of unreal or striking beauty, charm, or excellence. v.i. 8. to have a dream. 9. to indulge in daydreams or reveries. 10. to conceive of something in a very remote way (usu. fol. by of): I wouldn't dream of leaving. v.t. 11. to see or imagine in sleep or in a vision. 12. to imagine as possible; fancy; conceive. 13. to pass or spend (time) in dreaming (often fol. by away): to dream away the afternoon. 14. dream up, to form in the imagination; devise. adj. 15. most desirable; ideal: a dream vacation. [before 1000; Middle English dreem, Old English drēam joy, mirth] dream′ful, adj. dream′ful•ly, adv. dream′ful•ness, n. dream′ing•ly, adv. dream′like`, adj.


Dream can be a noun or a verb. The past tense and -ed participle of the verb is either dreamed /driːmd/ or dreamt /dremt/.

Dreamed is more common in American English.

1. used as a noun

A dream is an imaginary series of events that you experience in your mind while you are asleep.

In his dream he was sitting in a theatre watching a play.

You say that someone has a dream.

The other night I had a strange dream.Sam has bad dreams every night.

You don't usually say that someone 'dreams a dream'.

A dream is also a situation or event that you often think about because you would like it to happen.

My dream is to have a house in the country.His dream of becoming a pilot had come true.
2. used as a verb

When someone experiences imaginary events while they are asleep, you can say that they dream something happens or dream that something happens.

I dreamed Marnie was in trouble.Daniel dreamt that he was back in Minneapolis.

You can also say that someone dreams about someone or something or dreams of them.

Last night I dreamed about you.I dreamt of him every night.

When someone thinks about a situation that they would like to happen, you can say that they dream of having something or dream of doing something.

He dreamt of having a car.I've always dreamed of becoming a writer.

Be Careful!
Don't say that someone 'dreams to have' something or 'dreams to do' something.


Past participle: dreamed/dreamt
Gerund: dreaming
I dream
you dream
he/she/it dreams
we dream
you dream
they dream
I dreamed/dreamt
you dreamed/dreamt
he/she/it dreamed/dreamt
we dreamed/dreamt
you dreamed/dreamt
they dreamed/dreamt
Present Continuous
I am dreaming
you are dreaming
he/she/it is dreaming
we are dreaming
you are dreaming
they are dreaming
Present Perfect
I have dreamed/dreamt
you have dreamed/dreamt
he/she/it has dreamed/dreamt
we have dreamed/dreamt
you have dreamed/dreamt
they have dreamed/dreamt
Past Continuous
I was dreaming
you were dreaming
he/she/it was dreaming
we were dreaming
you were dreaming
they were dreaming
Past Perfect
I had dreamed/dreamt
you had dreamed/dreamt
he/she/it had dreamed/dreamt
we had dreamed/dreamt
you had dreamed/dreamt
they had dreamed/dreamt
I will dream
you will dream
he/she/it will dream
we will dream
you will dream
they will dream
Future Perfect
I will have dreamed/dreamt
you will have dreamed/dreamt
he/she/it will have dreamed/dreamt
we will have dreamed/dreamt
you will have dreamed/dreamt
they will have dreamed/dreamt
Future Continuous
I will be dreaming
you will be dreaming
he/she/it will be dreaming
we will be dreaming
you will be dreaming
they will be dreaming
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been dreaming
you have been dreaming
he/she/it has been dreaming
we have been dreaming
you have been dreaming
they have been dreaming
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been dreaming
you will have been dreaming
he/she/it will have been dreaming
we will have been dreaming
you will have been dreaming
they will have been dreaming
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been dreaming
you had been dreaming
he/she/it had been dreaming
we had been dreaming
you had been dreaming
they had been dreaming
I would dream
you would dream
he/she/it would dream
we would dream
you would dream
they would dream
Past Conditional
I would have dreamed/dreamt
you would have dreamed/dreamt
he/she/it would have dreamed/dreamt
we would have dreamed/dreamt
you would have dreamed/dreamt
they would have dreamed/dreamt
Noun1.dream - a series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleepdream - a series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep; "I had a dream about you last night"dreamingsleeping - the state of being asleepimagery, imaging, mental imagery, imagination - the ability to form mental images of things or events; "he could still hear her in his imagination"nightmare - a terrifying or deeply upsetting dreamwet dream - an erotic dream (usually at night) accompanied by the (nocturnal) emission of semen
2.dream - imaginative thoughts indulged in while awakedream - imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake; "he lives in a dream that has nothing to do with reality"dreamingimagination, imaginativeness, vision - the formation of a mental image of something that is not perceived as real and is not present to the senses; "popular imagination created a world of demons"; "imagination reveals what the world could be"air castle, castle in Spain, castle in the air, daydream, daydreaming, oneirism, reverie, revery - absentminded dreaming while awakewoolgathering - an idle indulgence in fantasy
3.dream - a cherished desiredream - a cherished desire; "his ambition is to own his own business"ambition, aspirationdesire - the feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied stateAmerican Dream - the widespread aspiration of Americans to live better than their parents didemulation - ambition to equal or excelnationalism - the aspiration for national independence felt by people under foreign domination
4.dream - a fantastic but vain hope (from fantasies induced by the opium pipe)dream - a fantastic but vain hope (from fantasies induced by the opium pipe); "I have this pipe dream about being emperor of the universe"pipe dreamfantasy, phantasy - imagination unrestricted by reality; "a schoolgirl fantasy"
5.dream - a state of mind characterized by abstraction and release from reality; "he went about his work as if in a dream"revery, reverie - an abstracted state of absorption
6.dream - someone or something wonderful; "this dessert is a dream"flawlessness, ne plus ultra, perfection - the state of being without a flaw or defect
Verb1.dream - have a daydream; indulge in a fantasydaydream, woolgather, stargazeconceive of, envisage, ideate, imagine - form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case; "Can you conceive of him as the president?"dream up, think up, hatch, concoct, think of - devise or invent; "He thought up a plan to get rich quickly"; "no-one had ever thought of such a clever piece of software"
2.dream - experience while sleeping; "She claims to never dream"; "He dreamt a strange scene"perceive, comprehend - to become aware of through the senses; "I could perceive the ship coming over the horizon"


noun1. vision, nightmare, illusion, delusion, hallucination, reverie I had a dream that I was in an old house.2. ambition, wish, fantasy, plan, hope, goal, design, aim, desire, objective, aspiration, Holy Grail (informal), pipe dream My dream is to have a house in the country.3. daydream, trance, daze, reverie, stupor, hypnotic state I wandered around in a kind of dream.4. delight, pleasure, joy, beauty, treasure, gem, marvel This cart really is a dream to drive.verb1. have dreams, have a dream, have nightmares, have a nightmare, hallucinate She dreamt about her baby.2. daydream, be preoccupied, stare into space, be in a trance, be lost in thought, be in cloud-cuckoo-land, stargaze, be in a reverie, build castles in the air or in Spain She spent most of her time looking out of the window and dreaming.adjective1. fantasy, perfect, ideal a dream holiday in Jamaicadream of something or someone daydream about, wish to, fantasize about, hope for, desire to, long for, aspire to, hunger for, hanker after, set your heart on She dreamed of going to work overseas.dream something up invent, create, imagine, devise, hatch, contrive, concoct, think up, cook up (informal), spin I dreamed up a plan.Related words
adjective oneiric
fear oneirophobia
"We are such stuff"
"As dreams are made on, and our little life"
"Is rounded with a sleep" [William Shakespeare The Tempest]
"I talk of dreams;"
"Which are the children of an idle brain,"
"Begot of nothing but vain fantasy" [William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet]
"Judge of your natural character by what you do in your dreams" [Ralph Waldo Emerson Journals]
"I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood" [Martin Luther King speech at 1963 Civil Rights March]


noun1. An illusory mental image:daydream, fancy, fantasy, fiction, figment, illusion, phantasm, phantasma, reverie, vision.2. A fantastic, impracticable plan or desire:bubble, castle in the air, chimera, fantasy, illusion, pipe dream, rainbow.3. A fervent hope, wish, or goal:aspiration, ideal.verb1. To experience dreams or daydreams:daydream, fantasize, muse, woolgather.2. To have a fervent hope or aspiration:aspire.Idioms: reach for the stars, set one's heart on.phrasal verb
dream upTo use ingenuity in making, developing, or achieving:concoct, contrive, devise, fabricate, formulate, hatch, invent, make up, think up.Informal: cook up.Idiom: come up with.


(driːm) noun1. thoughts and pictures in the mind that come mostly during sleep. I had a terrible dream last night.2. a state of being completely occupied by one's own thoughts. Don't sit there in a dream! 夢想,出神 梦想,出神 3. something perfect or very beautiful. Your house is a dream! 夢想般完美或極美的事物 幻想4. an ambition or hope. It's my dream to win a Nobel Prize. 願望 愿望 verbpast tense, past participles dreamed, ~dreamt (dremt) (sometimes with of) to see visions and pictures in the mind, especially when asleep. For years I dreamed of being a great artist; I dreamt last night that the house had burnt down. 做夢 做梦ˈdreamer noun a person who is often occupied with his thoughts. I'm afraid my son is a bit of a dreamer and not very practical. 空想家 空想家ˈdreamless adjective (of sleep) sound; not disturbed by dreams. 睡得很香的 睡得很香的,不做梦的 ˈdreamy adjective as if of a person who is not quite awake. a dreamy smile; She is too dreamy. 恍惚的 恍惚的ˈdreamily adverb 出神恍惚地 梦一般地ˈdreaminess noun 恍惚 空想dream up to invent. I'm sure she'll dream up some silly plan. 憑空虛構 凭空虚构


梦zhCN, 梦想zhCN


  • (early) morning dreams come true
  • a dream ticket
  • a pipe dream
  • American dream
  • American dream, the
  • be in a dream world
  • beyond (one's) wildest dreams
  • beyond your wildest dreams
  • broken dreams
  • dream about
  • dream about (someone or something)
  • dream away
  • dream come true
  • dream come true, a
  • dream house
  • dream in color
  • dream in colour
  • dream of (someone or something)
  • Dream of a funeral and you hear of a marriage
  • dream of doing
  • dream on
  • dream team
  • dream ticket
  • dream up
  • dreamboat
  • go like a dream
  • in (one's) dreams
  • In your dreams
  • in your dreams!
  • like a bad dream
  • like a dream
  • living the dream
  • love's young dream
  • manic pixie dream boy
  • manic pixie dream girl
  • manic pixie dream guy
  • Morning dreams come true
  • never in (one's) wildest dreams
  • never in your wildest dreams
  • not dream of something/of doing something
  • not in (one's) wildest dreams
  • of (one's) dreams
  • of your dreams
  • pipe dream
  • rich beyond the dream of avarice
  • rich beyond the/any dream of avarice
  • riches beyond the/any dream of avarice
  • sweet dreams
  • teamwork makes the dream work
  • the American Dream
  • the man/woman/thing of (one's) dreams
  • wealth beyond the/any dream of avarice
  • wet dream
  • wildest dreams
  • work like a dream
  • work/go like a dream
  • wouldn't dream of
  • wouldn't dream of (doing something)
  • wouldn't dream of doing



mental activity associated with the rapid-eye-movement (REM) period of sleep. It is commonly made up of a number of visual images, scenes or thoughts expressed in terms of seeing rather than in those of the other senses or in words. Electroencephalograph studies, measuring the electrical activity of the brain during REM sleep, have shown that young adults dream for 1 1-2 to 2 hours of every 8-hour period of sleep. Infants spend an average of 50% of their sleep in the REM phase (they are believed to dream more often than adults) a figure which decreases steadily with age. During dreams, blood pressure and heart rate increase, and breathing is quickened, but the body is otherwise immobile. Studies have shown that sleepers deprived of dream-sleep are likely to become irritable and lose coordination skills. Unusually frightening dreams are called nightmares, and daydreams are constructed fantasies that occur while the individual is awake. Studies have demonstrated the existence of lucid dreaming, where the individual is aware that he is dreaming and has a degree of control over his dream.

Sigmund FreudFreud, Sigmund
, 1856–1939, Austrian psychiatrist, founder of psychoanalysis. Born in Moravia, he lived most of his life in Vienna, receiving his medical degree from the Univ. of Vienna in 1881.

His medical career began with an apprenticeship (1885–86) under J.
..... Click the link for more information.
, in his pioneering work The Interpretation of Dreams (1900, tr. 1913), was one of the first to emphasize dreams as keys to the unconscious. He distinguished the manifest content of dreams—the dream as it is recalled by the individual—from the latent content or the meaning of the dream, which Freud saw in terms of wish fulfillment. C. G. JungJung, Carl Gustav
, 1875–1961, Swiss psychiatrist, founder of analytical psychology. The son of a country pastor, he studied at Basel (1895–1900) and Zürich (M.D., 1902).
..... Click the link for more information.
 held that dreams function to reveal the unconscious mind, anticipate future events, and give expression to neglected areas of the dreamer's personality. Another theory, which PET scan studies appear to support, suggests that dreams are a result of electrical energy that stimulates memories located in various regions of the brain.


See J. A. Hobson, The Dreaming Brain (1988); M.-L. von Franz, Dreams (1991).


[drēm] (psychology) An involuntary series of visual, auditory, or kinesthetic images, emotions, and thoughts occurring in the mind during sleep or a sleeplike state, which take the form of a sequence of events or of a story, having a feeling of reality but totally lacking a feeling of free will.


1. a. mental activity, usually in the form of an imagined series of events, occurring during certain phases of sleep b. (as modifier): a dream sequence 2. a. a sequence of imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake; daydream; fantasy b. (as modifier): a dream world



 [drēm] 1. a mental phenomenon occurring during sleep in which images, emotions, and thoughts are experienced with a sense of reality.
The interpretation of dream material is an important part of psychoanalysis. According to psychoanalytic theory, dreams have both content" >manifest content and content" >latent content (see under content). The patient's associations" >free associations are used to discover the latent content and to discover how that affects waking life.
2. to experience such a phenomenon. Dreaming occurs during REM sleep; typically there are four or five such periods a night, with a total duration of about 90 minutes. The psychological interpretation of dreams was originated by Freud, who theorized that dreams enable the conscious expression of repressed unconscious impulses and wishes. Such wishes and impulses (latent dream content) are distorted and disguised so as to be acceptable to the conscious mind by the defensive processes of condensation, displacement, and symbolization and are then worked into a coherent story by secondary elaboration; this entire process (dream work) results in the dream as remembered by the dreamer (manifest dream content).


(drēm), Mental activity during sleep in which events, thought, emotions, and images are experienced as real.


(drēm)n.1. A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.2. A daydream; a reverie.3. A state of abstraction; a trance: wandering around in a dream.4. A condition or achievement that is longed for; an aspiration: a dream of owning their own business.v. dreamed or dreamt (drĕmt), dreaming, dreams v.intr.1. To experience a dream in sleep: dreamed of meeting an old friend.2. To have a deep aspiration or hope: dreaming of a world at peace.v.tr.1. To experience a dream of while asleep: Did it storm last night, or did I dream it?2. To have as an aspiration or hope: She dreams that she will become a pilot.
Diabetes Reduction Assessment with Ramipril and Rosiglitazone Medication. A study designed to determine if ramipril and/or rosiglitazone prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes
Conclusion Among persons with impaired fasting glucose levels or impaired glucose tolerance, the use of ramipril for 3 years does not significantly reduce the incidence of diabetes or death but does significantly increase regression to normoglycemia; 10.6% of people receiving rosiglitazone progressed to type 2 diabetes vs. 25% of people treated with placebo


Neurology A series of images and thought processes that occur during sleep which, in the framework of psychoanalysis, are believed to have latent and manifest content; eyelid movement and REM sleep coincide during dreams; dreaming is more common during REM sleep. See Wet dream.


(drēm) Mental activity during sleep in which events, thoughts, emotions, and images are experienced as real.

Patient discussion about dream

Q. Hi! I am Kennedy.From my childhood I have always been dreaming of slim body. Hi! I am Kennedy. From my childhood I have always been dreaming of slim body and in fact I was slim before my wedding. But after my pregnancy and delivery, I lost my shape and I am desperate to regain my shape. I tried with post-pregnancy exercises, but they didn’t help me. I am open to any kind of treatment to get shape. I hate to hang out with my hubby as I feel inferior with my shape. I feel my muscles are not tight for my age. I just want to feel good for which I need to get shape. So what kind of fitness classes shall I join? I am not comfortable with body pumping…….Please let me know?A. You can join Aerobic classes where they will have spinning and other exercises to make your body toned up and as well will control on your weight and blown tummy. Even though you don’t like on body pumping you must do them for some time till you find some control on your tummy. One other way is to start on running or sit-ups. Eat healthy diet esp. balanced diet and cut down on junk food, fried food and include whole-grain and fiber in your diet. Add more fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day. I think your activity is not matching your calorie intake otherwise with simple post-pregnancy exercise you could lose extra fat.

Q. I also fear that if my case is diagnosed as Breast Cancer how can I achieve my dreams? I am a Mechanical Student currently in my second year. It is very rare to find a girl pursuing this course. In fact, all my friends and well wishers too have advised me that it may be tough for a girl pursuing this course of study. I am a very stubborn girl very much firm in my opinion. For the recent past months, I fear that I may be having a breast cancer. I have lethal classes which I always found to be difficult. Of late, I could see a lump in the under arm area which is painful when touched. I fear that this may be due to the heavy workout which I had to do as per my curriculum. I have got so many dreams to be achieved in the near future and this worry is causing me greater concern that I am not able to concentrate in my studies and my performance in the college has also declined to the significant level. I feel that this needs to be diagnosed without any further delay. I also fear that if my case is diagnosed as Breast Cancer how can I achieve my dreams and lead a full-fledged life? Please advise me suitably….A. as jenniferLinda said -there's little to worry about. a lump under the arm can be from many things...there are lymph nodes over there and every viral infection can cause swelling.

More discussions about dream


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Related to dream: dream analysis
  • all
  • noun
  • verb
  • adj
  • phrase

Synonyms for dream

noun vision


  • vision
  • nightmare
  • illusion
  • delusion
  • hallucination
  • reverie

noun ambition


  • ambition
  • wish
  • fantasy
  • plan
  • hope
  • goal
  • design
  • aim
  • desire
  • objective
  • aspiration
  • Holy Grail
  • pipe dream

noun daydream


  • daydream
  • trance
  • daze
  • reverie
  • stupor
  • hypnotic state

noun delight


  • delight
  • pleasure
  • joy
  • beauty
  • treasure
  • gem
  • marvel

verb have dreams


  • have dreams
  • have a dream
  • have nightmares
  • have a nightmare
  • hallucinate

verb daydream


  • daydream
  • be preoccupied
  • stare into space
  • be in a trance
  • be lost in thought
  • be in cloud-cuckoo-land
  • stargaze
  • be in a reverie
  • build castles in the air or in Spain

adj fantasy


  • fantasy
  • perfect
  • ideal

phrase dream of something or someone


  • daydream about
  • wish to
  • fantasize about
  • hope for
  • desire to
  • long for
  • aspire to
  • hunger for
  • hanker after
  • set your heart on

phrase dream something up


  • invent
  • create
  • imagine
  • devise
  • hatch
  • contrive
  • concoct
  • think up
  • cook up
  • spin

Synonyms for dream

noun an illusory mental image


  • daydream
  • fancy
  • fantasy
  • fiction
  • figment
  • illusion
  • phantasm
  • phantasma
  • reverie
  • vision

noun a fantastic, impracticable plan or desire


  • bubble
  • castle in the air
  • chimera
  • fantasy
  • illusion
  • pipe dream
  • rainbow

noun a fervent hope, wish, or goal


  • aspiration
  • ideal

verb to experience dreams or daydreams


  • daydream
  • fantasize
  • muse
  • woolgather

verb to have a fervent hope or aspiration


  • aspire

phrase dream up: to use ingenuity in making, developing, or achieving


  • concoct
  • contrive
  • devise
  • fabricate
  • formulate
  • hatch
  • invent
  • make up
  • think up
  • cook up

Synonyms for dream

noun a series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep


  • dreaming

Related Words

  • sleeping
  • imagery
  • imaging
  • mental imagery
  • imagination
  • nightmare
  • wet dream

noun imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake


  • dreaming

Related Words

  • imagination
  • imaginativeness
  • vision
  • air castle
  • castle in Spain
  • castle in the air
  • daydream
  • daydreaming
  • oneirism
  • reverie
  • revery
  • woolgathering

noun a cherished desire


  • ambition
  • aspiration

Related Words

  • desire
  • American Dream
  • emulation
  • nationalism

noun a fantastic but vain hope (from fantasies induced by the opium pipe)


  • pipe dream

Related Words

  • fantasy
  • phantasy

noun a state of mind characterized by abstraction and release from reality

Related Words

  • revery
  • reverie

noun someone or something wonderful

Related Words

  • flawlessness
  • ne plus ultra
  • perfection

verb have a daydream


  • daydream
  • woolgather
  • stargaze

Related Words

  • conceive of
  • envisage
  • ideate
  • imagine
  • dream up
  • think up
  • hatch
  • concoct
  • think of

verb experience while sleeping

Related Words

  • perceive
  • comprehend




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