Capo Distria, John
Capo D’istria, John
(also Ioannis Kapodistrias). Born Feb. 11, 1776, on the island of Corfu; died Oct. 9, 1831, in Navplion. Count, Greek statesman.
Capo d’lstria was trained in medicine in Italy. From 1803 to 1806, he was secretary of state in the Septinsular Republic, which was created in the Ionian Islands pursuant to the Russo-Turkish convention of 1800. At the invitation of Alexander I, he moved to Russia in 1809 and worked in the Russian diplomatic service until 1827. From 1815 to 1822, he was second secretary of state; after 1822 he was virtually in retirement and lived in Switzerland. Capo d’lstria belonged to the moderate wing of the Greek national liberation movement. During the Greek War of Independence (1821–29), he was elected president of Greece by the national assembly at Troezen (April 1827). Capo d’lstria favored friendly relations with Russia; this aroused domestic opposition, which the French and British supported. He died the victim of a plot.