Choe Chi-Won
Choe Chi-Won
(pseudonym, Koun). Born 857 in Kyongu; year of death unknown. Korean poet and scholar.
Choe Chi-won’s poetry and prose collections Chungshan pokkwe chip and A Collection of Verse have not been preserved. Some parts of his Literary Works From the Garden of Cinnamon Trees have survived, and some of his writings were preserved in the works of later authors. Choe Chi-won’s poetry, written in hanmun, includes lyrical nature poems, descriptions of the calamitous history of the Korean people, and criticism of the Confucian policies of the government.
Nikitina, M. I., and A. F. Trotsevich. Ocherki istorii koreiskoi literatury do XIV v. Moscow, 1969.Zhdanova, L. “Khram oblachnykh vysot: Stikhotvoreniia Tsoi Chkhivona—poeta drevnei Korei.” In Vostochnyi al’manakh, fasc. 3— Iskry plameni. Moscow, 1975.
In the collection: Kojon chakkaron, part 1. Pyongyang, 1958.
In the book Choson munghaksa, vol. 1. Pyongyang, 1959.