caput medusae


 [kap´ut] (pl. cap´ita) (L.) head.anatomical terminology for the expanded or chief extremity of an organ or part.caput medu´sae the dilated cutaneous veins around the umbilicus, seen mainly in the newborn and in patients suffering from cirrhosis of the liver.caput succeda´neum localized edema, congestion, and petechiae on the fetal and newborn scalp (presenting part), crossing the suture lines.

ca·put me·du·sae

1. varicose veins radiating from the umbilicus, seen in Cruveilhier-Baumgarten syndrome; 2. dilated ciliary arteries girdling the corneoscleral limbus in rubeosis iridis. Synonym(s): Medusa head [Medusa, G. myth. char.]
A term of art referring to the engorged veins that radiate from a recanalized umbilical vein—falciparum ligament in portal hypertension—which is most commonly seen in advanced cirrhosis, and is accompanied by ascites, hepatosplenomegaly, and patent hepatic veins

caput medusae

Medusa head Hepatology A term for the engorged veins that radiate from a recanalized umbilical vein–falciparum ligament in portal HTN, most common in advanced alcoholic cirrhosis, and accompanied by ascites, hepatosplenomegaly, patent hepatic veins

ca·put me·du·sae

(kap'ŭt me-dū'sē) 1. Varicose veins radiating from the umbilicus, seen in Cruveilhier-Baumgarten syndrome. 2. Dilated ciliary arteries girdling the corneoscleral limbus in rubeosis iridis.
Synonym(s): Medusa's head.
[Medusa, G. mythical character]

ca·put me·du·sae

(ka'put me-dū'sē) 1. Varicose veins radiating from the umbilicus. 2. Dilated ciliary arteries girdling the corneoscleral limbus in rubeosis iridis. [Medusa, G. myth. char.]
CAPUT MEDUSAE: Prominent superficial abdominal veins seen on a patient with cirrhosis and portal hypertension.

caput medusae

A plexus of dilated veins around the umbilicus, seen in patients with portal hypertension (usually as a result of cirrhosis of the liver). It may be seen in newborns. See: illustrationSee also: caput

caput medusae

A conspicuous whorl of large veins sometimes seen radiating from the navel in CIRRHOSIS of the liver. This is an attempt to provide a shunt (collateral circulation) around obstructed liver veins. The Gorgon, Medusa, had snakes instead of hair, hence the name.


in Greek mythology, a Gorgon who turned men to stone. caput Medusae - (1) varicose veins radiating from the umbilicus; - (2) dilated ciliary arteries girdling the corneoscleral limbus in rubeosis iridis. Synonym(s): head of Medusahead of Medusa - Synonym(s): caput Medusae