

(des'mō-den'tē-ŭm), [TA] The collagen fibers, running from the cementum to the alveolar bone, that suspend a tooth in its socket; they include apical, oblique, horizontal, and alveolar crest fibers, indicating that the orientation of the fibers varies at different levels. Synonym(s): desmodontium [TA], periodontal fiber ☆ , periodontal ligament fibers


(des'mō-den'tē-ŭm) [TA] The collagen fibers, running from the cementum to the alveolar bone, which suspend a tooth in its socket; they include apical, oblique, horizontal, and alveolar crest fibers, indicating that the orientation of the fibers varies at different levels.


, desmodontium (des'mō-den'tē-ŭm, -don'tē-ŭm) [TA] Collagen fibers, running from cementum to alveolar bone, which suspend a tooth in its socket; include apical, oblique, horizontal, and alveolar crest fibers.
Synonym(s): periodontal fiber.