


(deə) negative short form daren't verb1. to be brave enough (to do something). I daren't go; I don't dare (to) go; He wouldn't dare do a thing like that; Don't you dare say such a thing again!2. to challenge. I dare you to do it. 激某人做某事 激将 noun a challenge. He went into the lion's cage for a dare. 挑戰 挑战ˈdaring adjective bold; courageous. He was a daring pilot; a daring attempt to rescue the climber. 大膽的 大胆的 noun boldness. We admired his daring. 勇敢 勇敢ˈdare-devil noun a bold or reckless person. 膽大妄為的人 胆大妄为的人 adjectivea dare-devil motorcyclist. 膽大妄為的 胆大妄为的I dare say (also I ˌdareˈsay) I suppose (so). I dare say you're right; `Will you be there?' `Oh, I daresay. 我想,大概 我想,大概