cardiac jelly


 [jel´e] a soft, coherent, resilient substance; generally, a colloidal semisolid mass.cardiac jelly a gelatinous substance present between the endothelium and myocardium of the embryonic heart that transforms into the connective tissue of the endocardium.contraceptive jelly a nongreasy jelly containing a spermicide, used in the vagina for prevention of conception.petroleum jelly petrolatum.Wharton's jelly the soft, jelly-like intracellular substance of the umbilical cord.

car·di·ac jel·ly

the gelatinous, noncellular material between the endothelial lining and the myocardial layer of the heart in early embryos; later in development it serves as a substratum for cardiac mesenchyme.

car·di·ac jel·ly

(kahr'dē-ak jel'ē) The gelatinous, noncellular material between the endothelial lining and the myocardial layer of the heart in very early embryos; later in development it serves as a substratum for cardiac mesenchyme (i.e., embryonic connective tissue).