DASTDental Assisting (coursework)
DASTDassault Systemes SA
DASTDrug Abuse Screening Test
DASTdiethylaminosulfur trifluoride
DASTDraw-a-Scientist Test
DASTDepartment of Arts, Sport and Tourism (Ireland)
DASTDerbyshire Asbestos Support Team
DASTDéveloppement Durable, Aménagement, Société, Territoire (French: Sustainable Development, Planning, Society, Territory; University of Pau and the Adour Region; France)
DASTDistributed Applications Support Team (NLANR)
DASTDyslexia Adult Screening Test
DASTDynamic Application Security Testing
DASTDedicated Autonomous Scan-based Testing
DAST(diethylamino) sulfur Trifluoride
DASTDiagonal Algebraic Space-Time
DASTDrupal Automated Staging Toolkit
DASTDrones for Aerodynamic and Structural Testing
DASTDiploma in Advanced Software Technology
DASTDeutsche Ausschuß für Stahlbau (Germany)
DASTDisaster Area Survey Team
DASTDepartment of Aviation Systems Training
DASTDisaster Assessment Survey Team (FEMA)
DASTDedicated At Sea Test(ing)
DASTDelaware Administration for Specialized Transportation
DASTDivision for Advanced Systems Technology
DASTDefense AUTODIN Subscriber Terminal
DASTDrink a Small Town
DASTDiploma for Advanced Study in Teaching
DASTDivision of Road Technology Automation Brno
DASTDivision of Applied Science & Technology
DASTDenver Audiometric Screening Test (Denver Developmental Materials, Inc.)
DAST4'-Dimethyamino-N-Methyl-4-Stilbazolium Tosylate
DASTDays After Sequential Treatment