foot-and-mouth disease virus vaccines
foot-and-mouth disease virus vaccines
foot-and-mouth dis·ease vi·rus vac·cines
vaccines either of inactivated virus from infected cattle tongue epithelium or, more recently, of live virus attenuated by embryonated egg or mouse passage and propagated in tissue culture.
somatic dysfunction
somatic education
somatic efferent n's
somatic embryogenesis
somatic f
somatic gene therapy
somatic hallucination
somatic hypermutation
somatic layer
somatic lung progenitor cells
somatic marker hypothesis
somatic mesoderm
somatic mitosis
somatic motor nerve
somatic motor neuron
somatic motor nuclei
somatic motor nucleus
somatic movement therapy training
somatic muscle
somatic mutation
somatic mutation and recombination test
somatic mutation theory of cancer
somatic myoneural junction
somatic n
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